Proactive Services (Computing) Logo
A big, shiny, red Sport Relief nose

Equipment and Burden

I do my best to re-use or recycle unneeded or broken computer equipment, so I'll be lugging my old computer which gave up the ghost last year. Not only do old computers look rather ghastly they are a hefty weight to be reckoned with. None of your wimpy, thin-leaved half-plastic computer carrying will go on here. Oh no.

If you fancy a laugh or to cheer me on before the day I'll be doing practise laps of Petersfield's Heath at 10am most days until the challenge on the 16th. Show your face and maybe bring me tea in a thermos - two sugars please!

I purchased a computer carrying pack but upon receipt realised that it's woefully inadequate. Expecting this (somewhat) I had already decided it would need to be grafted to my large rucksack and with much intertwining of straps, jiggery, pokery and a bungee I eventually had a computer cocooned into a carrying device that didn't feel as if it was about to fall apart. As the rucksack is well padded it's relatively comfortable and doesn't jump around too much as it has various body-bracing straps. See the Pictures and Videos page for pictures, mounted and unmounted.

Sport Relief is an initiative of Comic Relief, registered with the Charity Commission, no. 326568.
2nd March 2008.
Adam Piggott, Proprietor.

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